Year: 2015

  • Rebel Belle by Rachel Hawkins | Book Talk

    I need you to image the fabulous Elle Woods from Legally Blonde. Image her stylish clothes, her positive attitude, her brilliance and her ‘do what you believe in mentally’. Is her picture in your mind yet? I hope so; now imagine her southern, accent and brown hair. Now to that southern Elle Wood, blend her…

  • For the College Soul | Simply Books

    Sometimes when you pick up a book and begin to read it, do you feel discouraged because you are no longer of high school age? You’re not young enough to receive a letter, battle monsters, go on an adventure or even fall in love? It is as if the only real time to be alive…

  • eShakti | Simply Looks

    While I was away in Japan I was sent a beautiful dress from a lovely company called eShakti. I was given the liberty of choosing any dress from their collection. I feel very blessed to be given this privilege as a young and new blogger. After finally moving and settling down in my new home I finally got the opportunity to wear the…

  • Simply Me | Looks

    Today I was very pleased with my outfit. It was kinda thrown together nice a quick as I rushed through my morning routine so I wouldn’t be late to work. It felt very me. I bled my very essence in my clothes today. Which was a very nice feeling. I don’t have a definite style…

  • Swinging back | Journal

    It has been a while since I have written or done anything. My life once I returned to Japan was a dull one, falling in a constant rhythm of nothing. Wake up, waste time, go to bed. Though it could be argued that I have not “wasted timed” I have gotten quite a few tasks…

  • Japan | Sushi and Returning Home

    The day began at 7ish with a call from my mom asking if I was awake. Clearly I woke up after this phone call. I got ready and finished packing the few things I had out (cables, electronics, toiletries). I also lost my lock for my luggage for a couple minutes (it fell inside of…

  • Japan | Last Minute Roaming

    At 9am I was ripped away from my sleep when “Shy Guys” by Seaway rang from my phone nearly giving me a heart attack. I got ready, preparing for my final day in the country of the rising sun. I am actually pretty excited to go home, because I realised that I do not like…

  • Japan | Ghibli Museum and Harajuku

    My day began at around 8:30ish. I slept about 6 hours and it was beyond magical! Especially after the crazy night I had last night! Anyways, for breakfast I had a croissant and juice from 7/11 and then Michelle and I headed off to Mitaka to visit the Ghibli Museum! I’ve had the ticket reserved…

  • Japan | Back to Tokyo

    My day began at 4:30…and I went to sleep at 2:30ish. So I slept for two hours give or take? In the morning I finished putting away the final things in my luggage and aided Pamela in cleaning her room. As a form of thank you she made me breakfast that consisted of toast, salmon…

  • Japan | Last Day in Kyoto

    On my last official day in Kyoto I woke up around 6:30 and followed my usual morning routine. Being the last day I was already an emotionally compromised in the morning. I got to Ritsumeikan around 8:40ish, and it felt aweful knowing that next Monday I will be waking up in a hostel with 3…