Tag: kyoto

  • Japan 7 | Nishiki Market

    What I thought would be an extremely boring actually turned out to be quite fun. I woke early, like 4am early for some odd reason. I was very angry at my body and forced myself back to sleep till 6ish. Why did my body decided to wake up a 4am? Beats me, but I am…

  • Japan 4 | Heading to Kyoto

    My day started off great! I woke up at 6am this time! (one more hour each day). Today was not as action and adventure packed like the last three days, because I needed to take the Shinkansen (The bullet train) down to Kyoto. Amanda and I were up and ready to go by 8ish. We…

  • Study Abroad l Summer 2015

    In most Universities it is often advised to participate in a study abroad program. I have fallen under the university’s advice and applied to a summer study abroad program. The program that I have embarked on is: Intensive Japanese in Kyoto. Ever since I was a child I been wanting to visit Japan. (As weeb…